Thursday 2 June 2011

Chapter 1:The Rise of Phantom Technology
We all live with technology. In fact, technology evolves much faster than us. It was once told that one day, technology will overpower us and that day is the day we all call the apocalypse. Machines will evolve from the shape and power of humans to the shape of monsters with superhuman abilities. Here, in the lab of technology, machines are now taking the shape of extinct animals with all of their unique abilities. Humans can never stop inventing. This is their only ticket to apocalypse. Professor Henning Evans, head of a project that improves technology, project “Phantom Technology”. To archive this goal, he and his team must learn and combine lost technology with modern technology. It is said that phantom technology is so great so as to prevent apocalypse but none knows that it is bringing apocalypse to us. None except for one, Professor Daniel Adams, a professional in lost technology knew what would happen if they combine lost technology with modern technology but none believe what he says. Some even say that he is jealous of this brilliant invention of Professor Henning. “Please, you got to believe me! You will all die if you continue this…” he said. “He’s crazy. He’s talking nonsense just to stop you from creating the next generation of technology. He only wants credits for himself!” said Professor Henning. This beautiful world will die if this new generation of technology is created. This technology will take over the world and there is nothing the humans can do about it. There are six phases to the phantom technology. The first phase is when it will not cause any harm. The second phase is when there will be some errors in the machine and it will lose control. The third is when the machine plants mind-controlling chips on us and give itself some major upgrades. After some major upgrading, the fourth phase is activated. It will then make an army of machine that will help it to dominate the world. The fifth phase is when it will attack the world’s defence and leave it defenceless. The last phase is when it takes over the world, keep increasing its armies and dominate other worlds. Now it is at its first phase and it will normally take two to three weeks before going to phase two.  Professor Adams must be quick before everything is too late. One week past but Professor Adams still has no solution how to destroy the machine. He was going to try to mess up the programming code but in theory, it will speed up the process of the machine. He has no clue on how to stop it. He has to mess up the programming code as that is the only thing he can do. After messing up the programming code, he realized that his theory was right. The machine now only need overnight before going to phase two. All hope is gone.
Phantom Technology
By: Muhd Shahril Hilmi Bin Johan

When technology overpowers humans, only one person can stop it from happening. He is part machine; part human; part animal but all-hero.

Note: this is my first book, so do tell me if you do not like something. Thank you.